My dog keeps running around trees on his leash


I have been a proud dog owner for 4 years now. Adopting a dog was probably one of the best decisions of my life-and although there were some hard times training my dog, it was all worth it. My dog, however, has this weird habit. I used to find the habit adorable when he first started it- but now it’s just annoying. My dog can’t seem to control his urge to run around trees when on his leash. The leash gets tied around the tree- and this makes a knot that is hard to break free from. Given the fact that I love hanging out with him in the countryside– this issue for me is important.

This has been, not only, irritating me- but also is bad for my dog. This is because when around trees on his leash, he pulls way too hard on his leash- this probably hurts him a lot as I heard him whimpering afterwards. Nevertheless, he continues to do so.

What causes this?

The underlying cause which I found after rigorous research is that animals instinctively run around in circles. Normally this is fine- but with a leash and around a tree, not so much. There are many factors that induces this ‘running around in circles’ but when simplified these factors are either psychological, neurological or physical.

Psychologically dogs respond to stress by running in circles- or around something, which in my case is trees. Loads of things can possibly cause worry for your pet including new acquaintances with the family unit and changes to their ordinary schedule. Getting to the base of what is causing their tension isn’t generally simple and you may need to roll out a few improvements to help diminish their feelings of anxiety. Social medicines can likewise help, and it’s a smart thought to address your vet about going down this street if your pet is carrying on of character and no physical reason can be resolved.

Another cause- which is quite rare- is a few neurological problems. Less generally, neurological issues can be a factor in “running around objects” and impulsive tail pursuing. This can occur because of head wounds, seizures, center ear contaminations and canine distemper infection (which can energize “hovering” as one of the neurological side effects).

Physical factors may also be a reason that my dog runs around trees. This is doubtlessly on the off chance that they have torment or aggravation in their tail, back legs or back, and this dissatisfaction can urge them to turn around in circles or potentially waste time steadily. This can be caused by things like butt-centric organ issues, diseases and parasites

How to tackle this?

Not everyone thinks that when a dog runs around trees on a leash, a visit to the vet is required but it may be. My dog was anxious and that was causing this ‘running around trees on his leash’. However, it must be noted that some dogs are genetically coded for this kind of behavior and in those cases, you just have to get used to it.

Final thoughts

I love my dog so I spent some extra time with him to make sure he isn’t anxious. Some quality time with him really reduced his running around trees on his leash. I recommend that you check for a better understanding of your dog’s problem. Moreover, there are many different types of leashes that ensures that your dog doesn’t get hurt from the excessive leash pulling caused by running around trees. These leashes helped me a lot. If you too want one I recommend you check out – they have a great range of choices.

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